Covid-19 Precautions

Covid-19 Precautions

As a responsible wood flooring business in Sussex, when it comes to Covid-19 precautions, it’s our professional and personal obligation to extend a duty of care to everyone we meet and work with.

It’s a charge we’re more than willing to undertake.

You don’t need us to tell you that the Coronavirus is one of the most devastating global viruses in living memory. Whilst we’re beating it – and it looks like we are – we adhere to the guidelines below to keep us all safe.

You want to feel confident about engaging with us, so we hope that the following information reassures you.

First of all, it’s important to say that we’ll be guided by you. This will include checking beforehand how you feel about social distancing and whether (or not) if there are any special precautions you would like us to take. For instance, if someone in your household is clinically vulnerable, do flag this up to us.

If Any of Our Team Develops Covid-19 Symptoms

If a customer-facing employee of MyWoodFlooring reports symptoms of the virus, we will ask them not to come to work and obviously, we will alert you. Apologies in advance, but this may cause a short delay to your project.

May we also ask the same of you, please. If you develop any Covid-19 symptoms or feel unwell, we can re-schedule. A “better-safe-than-sorry” approach puts the wellbeing of everyone at the top of our priority list.

MyWoodFlooring – Our Covid-19 Precautions

  • Our fitters will always ensure that they have washed and/or sanitised their hands before entering your property.
  • Should you wish, all team members will wear masks in your home. Do feel free to offer us handwashing facilities but with separate towels, or paper towels.
  • As much as possible, a 2-metre social distancing gap will be maintained.

These Covid-19 precautions may not be needed, but at the time of writing infection levels are in flux, and we never quite know what’s around the corner. Do bear with us as much as you can.

Get in touch through this website for information about our wonderful hardwood floors. Let’s stay safe together.